Catalyst Coaching Works

Strategic Leadership Development

Clarity of mind, purpose, & direction.

Authenticity. Alignment. Empowerment. Expansion.

I believe Executive Leadership today requires more than just delivering strong quarterly earnings, more than great KPI, OKR, and ROI numbers, and more than a “healthy work/life balance.”

I believe you can achieve MORE of all of the above, and well beyond those measures, when you focus on Leading yourself FIRST.

More Professional success. More advancement opportunities. More relationship satisfaction. More Work-Life harmony. More positive impact in every area of your life.

More authenticity. More alignment. More empowerment. More expansion.

More YOU.

I believe that you can shine brighter and show up more fully.

That you can make a few small but strategic shifts to start upgrading your life in ways that better integrate your values, your purpose, and your passion in a more coherent and fulfilling manner.

I believe that you can move away from patterns of anxiety and avoidance and lean more fully into authenticity and alignment.

That you can go from floundering to flourishing, from breakdowns to breakthroughs, and from emergency to emergence.

I also believe that Catalyst Coaching can help you get where you want to go quicker and easier than you doing it all on your own.

Book a complimentary Discovery Call today to meet me and learn more.

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy NOT on fighting the old, but on building the new” - Socrates

Yet, “building the new” can be difficult, especially when it comes to deeper, more nebulous concepts like Leadership, Resilience, Authenticity, & Empowerment.

Your continued growth and development in these areas takes clarity of mind, of purpose, and of direction.

Adding Coaching support to your efforts can do much more than simply make a difference. It can help take you from good to great, can get you past your previous limitations, and can truly take you to the next level of success, no matter how you measure it.

Let’s collaborate together to find more clarity, design specific action plans that catalyzes your growth, and make the changes that build your new path forward.

Catalyst Coaching FAQs

 What is Catalyst Coaching?

At its essence, Catalyst Coaching (CC) offers a balance of empathetic understanding, appreciation, and support, and then brings in healthy dose of challenge, constructive inquiry, and encouragement to help clients make lasting, meaningful changes in their lives. In practice, CC is structured through either in-person or Zoom sessions, most often scheduled on a bi-weekly basis. Each session consists of a 60-minute discussion oriented towards situational clarity and actionable plans for moving things forward. Each session is followed up with a comprehensive email that covers session notes as well as client “homework,” exercises, and experiments.

 What can I expect to get out of Catalyst Coaching?

While engaged in a CC program or plan clients can expect to get more clarity on their current goals, aspirations, and obstacles, more energized and optimistic when engaging in the work required to make positive changes in their lives, and more focused and determined when working through inner resistance that might come up along the way.

As the CC relationship progresses, clients can expect to feel more authenticity in how they express themselves, more empowered when it comes to taking charge of their lives, more alignment and connection when it comes to relationship building, and more freedom and expansiveness when it comes to envisioning their future options and opportunities.  

 What are some typical client challenges that you see there at Catalyst?

The specific contours of each client’s challenges are always inherently unique to that individual client. However, larger themes commonly seen include leadership development, entrepreneurial expression, relationship dynamics, career transitions, and other self-improvement drives. Often times clients will begin their coaching with a specific external “achievement goal” in mind, but will then glean insight into how that surface goal is tied to deeper goals of more expansive personal development, deeper self-knowledge, clearer value-purpose-lifestyle alignment, and/or richer empowerment and freedom.

 How is Catalyst Coaching similar to or different from Therapy?

Like many forms of therapy, CC is intentional work mediated by an indispensable relationship with a trained professional, and like many therapeutic approaches, it is designed to assist clients in having powerful emotional and cognitive insights and experiences. CC promotes moving beyond those insights and experiences and using them to drive impactful behavioral changes. In addition, CC requires the client to “show up” with earnest intentions, ongoing self-reflection, and a commitment to “doing the work” of building new habits and perspectives.

However, CC is also very different from Therapy in many regards. For starters, CC is more future-oriented vs past-oriented. Also, CC works specifically with present mindsets, belief systems, and possibilities rather than previous trauma, beliefs, and “lost opportunities.” Critically, CC is NOT designed or equipped to diagnose nor treat any clinical conditions better suited for professional therapeutic support.

Finally, Catalyst Coaching is specifically oriented to those clients who WANT to be challenged, who WANT to be held accountable, who WANT objective feedback, and most importantly, WANT positive results quickly, versus some therapeutic modalities that can tend to be too passive, too indulgent, and/or too process oriented.

 How does Catalyst Coaching differ from other Coaching programs?

Catalyst Coaching differs from other Coaching programs in that it is first and foremost built upon an authentic relationship between Coach and Client predicated on trust, empathy, appreciation, and most importantly, a shared commitment to advancing the client’s aspirations, values, and goals. Building on this strong foundation, Catalyst Coaching then creates a customized program that combines regularly scheduled conversations, client-driven homework and exercises, and periodic evaluations into a simple-yet-comprehensive action plan designed to bring about more inner alignment and outer accomplishment for the client. Of course, other coaching programs may seem similar, but the quality, richness, and rigor offered by Catalyst Coaching is what truly sets this experience apart from and above the rest.

Recent Testimonials

“Working with Dave has been a transformative experience, marked by his exceptional ability to listen deeply and intuitively. His approach goes beyond surface-level conversations, tapping into the unspoken thoughts and emotions that are crucial for personal growth. Dave's unique combination of respectful challenge and humor has made our sessions not only insightful but also engaging. His sharp, edgy questions cut through my preconceptions, unveiling new perspectives and challenging my assumptions in a warm and witty manner.

One of the most significant breakthroughs I experienced with Dave was gaining clarity on what was holding me back from embarking on a new endeavor. His patient guidance and insightful questioning unraveled the complexities of my doubts, leading me to a clear and confident path forward. This newfound clarity has been instrumental in pursuing my venture with conviction.”


“David’s ability to listen with an open heart without judgement and communicate in multiple ways is very refreshing!

 Beyond being a great listener, his calming presence created a safe and comforting environment for me to share my thoughts and emotions. What I really appreciated was his skill in asking thought-provoking questions that helped me gain insights and reflect on my experiences. I therefore highly recommend David to anyone who is looking to dive deep into their personal growth journey.”


“Recently I had the opportunity to engage in a series of Executive Coaching sessions with David Arrell and I want to thank him for delivering results that far exceeded my expectations! I was skeptical that the Catalyst approach, which promises to uncover deeply held beliefs, could address and explore them, creating actual change in such a short amount of time. But this methodology provided a clear & logical framework allowing me to work through the steps to accomplish just that!

David truly succeeded in creating a safe space for me to “go there” & rediscover how some painful old experiences were directly causing me to unconsciously hold back in developing my business in lots of ways. He expertly guided me to come up with tasks that I could implement quickly to test those beliefs, resulting in newly held beliefs born out of my own current positive experiences. I was relieved that this process didn’t skip to just doing the things that I had been avoiding as I don’t think this would have worked for me!

This approach created real change in myself so that I now WANT to do the things I've been avoiding. With laser focus, David was able to pinpoint an affirmation that really resonates with me and has helped me to reinforce this change easily & often. I feel so freed up and am looking forward to what I am now truly motivated to create in my business! Thank you, David!”

Lisa C.